Debates Over the Raw Food Diet

This blog topic is controversial to say the least- people are very passionate when it comes to the subject of what they feed their pets, and with good reason!

It's well known that a good diet can contribute to the health and well-being of our pets.
The question is what is the best food to feed our domesticated pets? When choosing how and what to feed your pet, you need balanced information—information that outlines both the good and bad so that an educated choice can be made. So, we are laying out the pros and cons so you, as an owner can decide.

While the majority of people feed a commercial kibble or canned food, many owners today are looking for other options. A raw food-based diet has grown in popularity over the last few years, but along with this growing popularity has come growing controversy regarding the benefits of feeding a raw diet.

One of the arguments for feeding a raw diet is that it is a more "natural" for our pets.
The theory is that wild animals would eat a diet mainly consisting of raw meat and bones, so people should try and mimic this diet when feeding their pets. However, the pets that live in our homes do not resemble their wild cousins. We have bred dogs for example to have a huge range in size and a variety of builds. In addition, there are breeds that are prone to specific nutrient deficiencies. With all of these physiological differences between our pets and wild animals, can we be certain that what a wild animal eats is indeed an ideal diet for Rover or Fluffy?

As a new pet owner or a curious current pet owner, there is an overwhelming amount of conflicting information. There are numerous websites and message boards pushing the greatness of a raw diet and there are others condemning raw diets as unsafe and unhealthy. When making the best choice for your pet, it's important to remember that what is right for you and your pet may not be right for someone else and their pet. A raw diet may not be appropriate for all pets and before you decide what is right for your pet, you should discuss your options with your veterinarian.

In short a raw food diet isn't for everyone. A processed diet isn't for everyone. A vegetarian canine diet or dehydrated diet for felines isn't for everyone! But we can surely all agree that ensuring your pet food is nutritious is the top priority, so as mentioned before, making an informed decision is most important. For a start, be sure your animal's food has the following essential qualities:

·         Higher in quality meat-based protein

·         High in natural fats

·         Lower in carbohydrates

·         Free of animal by-products

·         Free of artificial flavours, colours and preservatives

·         Contain essential vitamins and minerals

At Pet & Vet we have a wide range of dietary products from raw to processed to grain free. If you would like any further information or recommendations, please come in and see us to discuss your options based on your pets needs. We are happy to help :)

Tags: Pet, Puppy, Disease, Pet Health, Kitten, Cat, Vet, Pet care, Dog, Pet and Vet, Allergies, Diet, Raw

Debates Over the Raw Food Diet


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