How to Make 10 Pounds a Day Online

Toe, Skin, Joint, Red, Barefoot, Human leg, Foot, Organ, Tan, Nail,

It's weigh-in day, and I've lost another pound! Here are the stats:

Starting weight: 142
End of week 1: 139
End of week 2: 137
End of week 3: 136

After last week's weigh-in success, I decided to reward myself by buying a digital scale. My old-fashioned scale dated back a couple of decades, it was an ugly shade of pink and it was hard to read. So I got a sleek, white scale with can't-miss-'em numbers.

But I was sweating it a bit for this week's weigh-in because, while my old scale said "137" last week, when I got on the new scale it said "137.8." Those darned decimal points! So to lose a pound as far as my stats showed, I had to get a move on! Happily, it worked.

I've spent three full weeks on this plan now. Here's what's working well, along with the things that remain a challenge:

The good:

° Aside from an occasional 4 oz. glass of wine, I'm not "drinking my calories." It's water with every meal, water between meals, water when I'm walking. Given the calories I used to take in from grape juice and orange juice alone, this is a big change. (While I'm not drinking milk — just a personal preference; many healthy diets suggest drinking skim milk — I'm using it on cereal and I'm eating low-fat cheese and yogurt for calcium.)

° Instead of all that juice, I'm eating a lot more whole fruit. With breakfast, I'm often having a half grapefruit. I'm eating lots of bananas, grapes, apples, cherries, etc.

° I'm not really missing chocolate! In three weeks, I've had one tiny square of dark chocolate. I used to have chocolate almost daily. Now I see it as an occasional treat and not something to eat when I'm stressed.

° I'm eating a lot more fiber. Whole wheat bread, steel-cut oatmeal, Shredded Wheat, fruit, veggies. It's getting easier to automatically pick healthy, high-fiber foods.

° I'm doing more trade-offs. I helped prepare and serve appetizers for a mid-afternoon meeting over the weekend, and that was a challenge! There were so many yummy cheeses, meats and goodies. I ate a couple of slices of really good salami, a couple of small slices of cheese and a few other little nibbles. But when I got home, I skipped dinner (I'd pretty much had dinner!). Later that night, when I got hungry, I took a tip from Ellie Krieger and had one slice of whole wheat bread with a tablespoon of peanut butter and half a banana.

° I'm finding that, by eating a healthy snack or small meal every three to four hours, I'm not getting the dieting highs and lows that I used to get. I'm more satisfied and my energy levels are better. So I'm less likely to give in and eat too much out of hunger or frustration.

The challenges:

° I do worry that I will go back to my old ways when I reach my goal weight. Can I keep this up for life? I have dieted so many times in the past, but always felt deprived. This time it feels different. Ellie's suggestions really do help. But still… Can I keep the weight off once I lose it?

° When I have a walking date with a friend, I'm there. But without the motivation of having someone else to meet, I find it hard to exercise every day. Still, I know that it's exercise that will really make the difference here, both in losing the weight and in maintaining the loss later. I have to stay committed.

Please let me know about your weight-loss successes this week — and your challenges. We're all in this together!

— Kathy Sena

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How to Make 10 Pounds a Day Online


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