Angel Twisted Art Dead Satan Weird Reality Fantasy Heaven Hell

Satan was the first archdemon created past Erebus and the 2nd Male monarch of Hell he is Erebus's favorite son and is the naturally strongest of the Archdemons. And one of the main players in the apocalypse.


  • ane Characteristics
    • i.ane Personality
  • 2 Overview
    • 2.1 Early Life
    • 2.2 Divine War
    • two.3 Satan vs Sky
    • 2.4 War for the throne
  • 3 Powers & Abilities
    • three.1 Base of operations Powers
    • 3.2 Anti-God Powers
    • three.3 Abilities
    • 3.4 Weaknesses
  • 4 Fights & Events
    • four.1 Events
  • five Quotes
  • 6 Gallery

Characteristics [ ]

Satan is a cherry tall and bulky human with two long horns pultruding from his hand he usually wears a cloak with black pants he has black hair with a beard. He also has Bat like wings wings which are red with spikes on them

Personality [ ]

Satan is a very malevolent raged filled and arrogant existence he views himself as god that he is the true and ne being

Overview [ ]

Early Life [ ]

When Satan was even so what can be considered a kid him and his brother seraph flew through the Grass Lands until the reached Heaven in which they met the Archangels Lite and Tariel in which Satan began to corrupt them via his magic which Tariel was able to overpower it merely Light was starting to turn over the years later on before the Divine War Satan and Light had a confrontation in which Satan used his magic attribute to slowly decadent light which led to Lights Rampage.

Divine State of war [ ]

During the divine war Satan had killed many Gods and Angels Satan caused the war by corrupting's Calorie-free. Satan went to the gods of starich in which the declined and chose non to participate in which Satan and so killed all of them. Satan to Mephisto to take down Bellion after his programme to stop the state of war Satan loved the state of war considering he gained more power every moment past feeding of all the anger from information technology

Satan vs Heaven [ ]

years after the divine war Satan traveled to heaven and began raining hell destroying thousand of souls and simply matched by Tariel and he was sent back to hell.

State of war for the throne [ ]

once Bellion came dorsum to hell he absorbed all of the Darkforce and battled Satan until he was browbeaten he began draining power from the archdemons and then faced Satan in which he i

Powers & Abilities [ ]

Satan destroying the shedim .png

Satan is the start and the virtually powerful archdemon and is stronger then virtually archangels except for Michael who has shown to be relative to him. Satan was is capable of destroying the hyperverse he is completely transcendental over all concepts and dualities he Transends the omniverse itself. He is easily capable of Destroying Greater angels and even some archangels and archdemons. Satan though is no match for primordial aspects such every bit Death, Erebus or Aither. Though he has been shown to rival even the strongest of the Primordial Gods. He was capable to rival the ability of the pocket-size portion of the demiurgic power that Michael has. He was capable of beating multiple archangels to a lurid at the same time he was even shown beating the archangel Match. He is i of the few entities that scare death non because of his raw power only considering of how cunning and ruthless he is. He beacame fifty-fifty more powerful afterward stealing his sons power.

Base Powers [ ]

  • Low-Tier Omnipotence equally the strongest archdemon Satan holds a farthermost amount of power. He tin easily smite bottom beings without then much every bit a gesture. He was even capable of rivaling the strongest Shedim.
    • Nigh-Absolute Condition: Satan has nearly limitless speed force and stamina. Along with mental adequacy Satan is invulnerable to nearly all grade of harm except from beings effectually his strength level or primordial free energy. His strength level was enough to push button around a Shedim. He was capable of out speeding Mercury in an instant.
      • Nigh-Absolute Strength: Satan has virtually the maximum and limitless force. He tin can easily over power other archdemons and another archangels.
      • Nigh-Absolute Speed: Satan has almost the maximum and limitless Speed. He can easily over power other archdemons and some other archangels. He was also able to out speed mercury.
      • Nigh-Absolute Invulnerability: Satan has nigh absolutely invulnerable. He tin can tank attacks with no damage from angels or demons the only things that tin can hurt or other nearly-almighty beings or primordial weaponry.
  • Archdemon Physiology: Satan is the first archdemon and as such he has control over other demons. He is flowing with primordial energy long with his wings which allows him to travel being
    • Demonic Fly Manifestation: Satan wings are stronger and so normal wings they take been known jus past being out to cause disasters storms bad luck and even death. Along with Being able to travel across creation in an instant looking like teleportation.
    • Demon Command: Satan can control lesser demons making them due things against there volition. Though these demons recollect its their thought. As if they idea of it these demons cant pause the control nearly 100% of the time.
    • Demonic Eyes (Concluding): Satan optics are at the highest level they tin can be and he has learned a Variety of mystic abilities with these eyes. The has a diverseness of rare and aberrant touch he can generate with his eyes.
      • Chrono Vision: He can peer into the time stream or the beyond dimensional construction he views equally time. He tin see into the past present or future he can see the full flick and every possibility there is to it.
      • Induce Rage: By looking into the optics of some other being he tin make beings extremely angry. Making them go into an insane rage killing everything insight.
  • Primordial Night Arts: He can manipulate the primordial nighttime energy that period inside of him for varying affect he has an nearly infinite effectually of this energy. Him only releasing his power was plenty to crush everybody in the universe he was in.
    • Basic Spells
      • Demon Blast: Satan is capable of releasing a boom of ark mana that is so powerful it destroys everything in its path theses blast are capable of harming Mael and destroying entire Xenoverse.
      • Demon Beam: Satan can release a beam of concentrated dark energy that can plow there opponents to grit. Satan was capable of destroying parts of the hyperverse.
      • Transformation: Satan has shown the ability to transform into anything. He can appear equally humans, animals and even objects he has a human appearance he takes when walking among mortals.
      • Teleportation: Satan is capable of teleporting omniversal distances he was capable of teleporting from hell to a unknown universe and a Hellscape to paradise.
      • Demonic Field: He was capable of constructing multiple strength fields out of demonic free energy. His shields were capable of defending against archangels. These force feilds tin can defend himself and others.
      • Smiting: He is capable of smiting other entities with footling effort. He was capable of smiting an entire planet merely for fun and was even beginning to smite lite if Mael hadn't saved him.
      • Possession Demons have the natural power to possess people by transferring their essence and wrapping it around the person's soul like a blanket that transfers a certain amount of the demon's powers. His possession was then strong he was capable of possessing an affections.
    • Corruption: Satans fundamental curse allows him to corrupts other entities turning them evil and twisted. He was able to corrupts a group of devil worshiping humans therefore turning them into demons with a snap of his fingers. He besides has control over the entities he corrupts and can release free energy attacks of abuse that rival Maels demiurgic power.
    • Primordial Nighttime Magic: A dark art that allows Satan to manipulate primordial darkness. Whether that be creating constructs similar pillars semi-living things or even weapons. Satan can create compressed attacks like blast or bombs out of it these usually appear just plane black and solid in alternative to night energy which appears more
      • Fiends of Darkness: Satan is capable of creating spirit looking creatures fabricated out of primordial darkness. This darkness destroys the soul of a target upon contact and Satan creates millions to billions which is capable of destroying armies.
      • Sword of Primordial Darkness: Satan can generate a sword of darkness that he can wield telekinetically and he can accommodate the size of the bract.
      • Genesis Dark Rain: Satan can generate multiple concentrated bolts of primordial darkness that is directed at a target destroying them at a conceptual level.
    • Hell-Fire Magic: Satan is capable of generating and manipulating hell-fire at a massive scales he could burn entire portions of the hyperverse within minutes.
      • Hellfire Barrage: Satan creates condensed assurance of fire to hitting his target. He tin can chose the directions of these balls which tin go directly through an even incinerate his target.
      • Hellflame Arrow: Satan creates a giant arrow of hellfire or multiple smaller ones which tin instantly incinerate his opponents or injure them and they accept been seen destroying the soul.
      • Hellflame Ignition: A spell that Satan uses to ignite hellfire anywhere incinerating targets generating hell fire further use. This makes it easier to share so regular.
      • Hell-Fire Beam: He is capable of generating a beam of hellfire that incinerates well-nigh everything it comes into contact with information technology its and so strong that it eliminates the soul.
      • Evil Dragons Wrath: Satan tin create a giant at of hell-burn down that plants itself in the ground and releases eruptions and smash along with waves of hellfire that destroys anything in an expanse.
      • Hell-Fire Smash: Satan was capable of releasing a nail of hellfire at a seraph which he completely incinerated him. Along with releasing blast that caused massive hellfire explosion's.
      • Hell-Fire Gainsay: Satan is capable of empowering his fist and kicks with hellfire this increases his assault power drastically and creates hellfire explosions on contact.
    • Devils Ice Magic: Satan can generate and manipulate demonic ice. Which cold effects on a spiritual level. He is capable of creating attacks and constructs out of it.
      • Devils Water ice Glacier: Satan uses mana to create a behemothic Spike of water ice out the ground to freeze and pierce everything effectually it. This glacier causes it to freeze.
      • Devils Ice Slash: Satan is capable of releasing blast of water ice from the surrounding area which freezes and slices on such a small level that the damage is irreversible.
      • Devils Water ice Storm: Satan is capable of creating a giant storm of hell snow and ice that freezes and destroys nearly everything it happens to come into contact with.
    • Hell-Earth Magic: Satan is capable of manipulating hell-world. He can create attacks and unlike constructs out hell-earth which os extremely hot and very durable.
      • Shooting star Crush: Satan can create meteors out of hell globe. His hell earth meteors were as big as universes to the size of continents which cause massive corporeality of damage.
      • Hell Spikes: He can make spikes of hell world from the basis. They're sharp enough to completely rip apart the body of their target and cause severe burns on anyone virtually them.
      • Inferno Rock Throw: He can raise hell rocks from the footing and throw them at the target causing extreme harm when information technology comes to strength and the rut it emits.
      • Globe Spear Charge: He tin can brand spears out of hell-earth. Which pierce and cause mass destruction to almost anything they cinematics into contact with.
  • Necromancy: Satan can manipulate the forces of life and decease, He can dispense death force to create attacks out of death or manipulate life force to heal and resurrect others.
    • Resurrection: Satan tin can resurrect the expressionless like he did with Bael. Though he cant resurrect beings that have had their soul destroyed though Satan is capable of resurrecting planets total of people.
  • Reality Magic: Satan can manipulate reality itself to achieve nearly whatsoever affect he desires. He tin control probability create things out of naught. Or turn things into other things.
    • Subjective Forcefulness: a spell that allows Satan to bend the lines between fantasy and reality assuasive manipulate physics. Animate statues teleport alter infinite- time and much more.
    • Conjuration: Satan can instantly create things out of thin air with this spell. Like creating a replica of the omniverse. Creating weapons and even creating souls.
  • Demonic Psionics: Satan can manipulate demonic/dark psionic energy. Which allows him to use telekinesis, telepathy, precognitive dreams/ vision along with a lot more abilities.
    • Demonic Telekinesis: Satan can motion objects and things with his mind allowing him to practise a diversity of things like move objects snap neck disintegrate people and fifty-fifty possibly warp reality
    • Demonic Telepathy: Satan can read or even control the heed of others even causing mental attacks using the demonic psionic energy. Assuasive him to perform extremely high evil feats
      • Dream force: Satan tin dispense and enter the dreams of others as a by production of his demonic psionics. assuasive him to control dreams induce nightmares and more.
  • Meta Magic: Satan tin can manipulate magic allowing him to heighten, reduce, have away or create new magic and magic abilities this ability makes him extremely skilled making him capable of doing nearly anything.
    • Forced Activation: The users tin can actuate the powers of others either those who haven't accessed in that location magic power in general or just activate a spell that the user didn't or wasn't going to employ.
    • Magic Gift: The users can requite magic abilities to other like giving them specific magic arts like fire or h2o magic. the users tin can even gift unlike blazon of magic energies.
    • Magic Negation: He tin can negate the mystic powers the attackers deceit motility their magic energy though this doesn't work on attacks that have already been released.
  • Biology Magic: Satan can mystically manipulate the biological process of bottom beings. He tin cause disease dispense their tissue even cause wounds with just his mind.
    • Bio-Explosion: Satan uses night energy to explode a person from the within cell by cell beingness blown up with all that'southward left being a little blood to maybe a lot of blood.
    • Living State: Satan can use his mana to control muscles skin organs and more the user can rip targets apart. fifty-fifty can fuse beings together.
    • Bio-Negation: A spell that allows the user to negate biological movements. The user can shut down powers magic or not and can fifty-fifty stop movements of the brain the heart and things like that.
    • Selective illness: Allows the user to generate 1 to multiple specific disease whether its cancer, the cold or pneumonia or things like that. The user can fifty-fifty create ne illnesses.
  • Particle Magic: Satan can utilise mana to dispense subatomic particles. This allows him to manipulate matter, energy and some of the key forces.
    • Particle Mold: Satan uses dark energy to shape and contort matter making constructs out of it in a form. This allows him to form even living beings at pre-existing affair. He can alter the shape and size and even fuse the matter with other fabric. of the fabric and particles a form of transmutation but it differs from elemental transmutation in it doesn't change what it is but what it looks similar.
    • Elemental Transmutation: Satan transmute thing by removing the particles of atoms. This allows him to turn nearly anything into whatsoever other element.
    • Particle Deconstruction: Satan tin can deconstruct matter at the subatomic level which instantly kills them. Satan can do this to divine particles, spiritual particles and a lot more this he has done this to angels, demons and even humans.
  • Astral Magic: A dark fine art that Satan uses to manipulate souls. Satan can Extract souls destroy souls. change them into demons. He tin can fifty-fifty alter or read them or absorb them.
    • Soul Extraction: Satan raises his mitt and removes the soul of the target that their mitt is pointed. this leaves their body souless. this can be used on angels and gods but not demons due to their lack of well a soul.
    • Spirit Soldiers : Satan controls souls to make himself a ghost army with all abilities that can tear almost everything apart that can injure angels, demons and more.
    • Soul Shrine: Satan moves souls like telekinesis this causes them a lot of harm. If the souls nevertheless in the body the torso volition move and will crusade spiritual energies which =cant be healed normally if its outside the trunk the soul volition motility around and can eve be killed.
    • Soul Death: Satan with this spell can destroy the soul of other beings he does this past raising his paw then the souls is instantly destroyed and sent to The Great Void.
    • Soul Read: Satan tin read souls in that location near inner desires in thoughts this allows him to sense a souls emotions whether its acrimony, sadness or something different.

Anti-God Powers [ ]

After satan takes johns powers he becomes exponetiallly more than powerful. With these new powers he was capable of rivaling and maybe beating his father. He retains all of his previous abilities and some more but they are enhanced beyond comprehension. He stated he tin can destroy and recreate the omniverse and he has surpassed even death himself.

  • Loftier-Tier Omnipotence

Abilities [ ]

  • Occultism: Since he is the devil he has an extreme corporeality of occultist knowledge particularly on demons and angels though he does no near gods and even elves.
  • Deception: Satan is an first-class negotiator and con creative person. When he couldn't employ his power he was able to pull a fast one on and talk Vishnu out of killing him to stop the apocalypse.
  • Omnilingunism: He is capable of speaking every language throughout the omniverse he tin speak demonic languages along with whatever alien linguistic communication fifty-fifty enochian.

Weaknesses [ ]

  • Primordial Weapons: These weapons can impale or harm him. Along with defending them against Satan. There are guns swords blades and a lot more which should permit these beings to kill him.
  • Primordial Entities: These entities can kill Satan depending on them primordial gods can rival him along with primordial aspects who can easily kill him.

Fights & Events [ ]

  • Satan vs Calorie-free
  • Satan vs Mael
  • Satan vs Bellion

Events [ ]

  • The Apocalypse
  • The Divine War

Quotes [ ]

Gallery [ ]


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