Family Guy Blue Harvest Wait a Minute Family Guy Blue Harvest Wait a Minute Giphy

13 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Trailer GIFs Gift-Wrapped for You

All the best scenes from the latest trailer for J.J. Abrams' eagerly awaited sci-fi epic

Now that everyone is recovering from their Thanksgiving feasts and Black Friday madness, let's make sure you caught the new "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" trailer.

The best moments from the new trailer are now captured in perfect little GIFs. From Storm Troopers, droids, Sith, and tie fighters to all the EXPLOSIONS.

We even have Harrison Ford's Han Solo emerging from what might be a crashed ship with Chewbacca in tow and Harrison blasting away from his laser gun.

Any "Star Wars" fan can relate to the happy feeling you get when you see this beautiful gold title sequence.

Star Wars The Force Awakens Title Gif

Give a Storm Trooper a flamethrower and this is what you will get.

Storm Trooper Flame Thrower Gif

Some explosions that put some serious fear in the eyes of Rey (Daisy Ridley) and Finn (John Boyega).

Star Wars The Force Awakens Desert Explosion Gif

All of the Storm Troopers.

Star Wars The Force Awakens Storm Troopers ALL Gif

The Sith have some serious Force issues.

Star Wars The Force Awakens Sith Force Gif

SQUAD Goals.

Star Wars The Force Awakens Sith Force Gif

An X-Wing battle sequence that is just AWESOME.

Star Wars The Force Awakens X Wing Missle Gif

That moment when Han Solo, played by Harrison Ford of course, opens fire on an unlucky enemy.

Star Wars The Force Awakens Harrison Ford Shoots Gif

Doesn't this remind you of the end to the Death Star?

Star Wars The Force Awakens X Wing Bomb Gif

When you piss off Rey, she will let you know it.

Star Wars The Force Awakens Rey Angry Gif

Maybe she should have been a little nicer.

Star Wars The Force Awakens Rey in Trouble Gif

It's Chewy!

Star Wars The Force Awakens Chewbacca Gif

And then some more Storm Troopers, because who doesn't love 'em?

Star Wars The Force Awakens Storm Troopers Gif

Now be sure to watch the trailer below and get ready for the movie to hit theaters.

We will face them. December 18, 2015. #TheForceAwakens

Posted by Star Wars Movies on Thursday, November 26, 2015


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